Everyday Life in New York City

       The Metropolitan Diary of the New York Times continues to offer humorous real-life stories and experiences of natives and visitors to New York Citythat often show the human side of New Yorkers.  When I read most of them, I can’t help but laugh, sometimes very loudly and sometimes, depending on my surroundings, attracting a little too much attention.  Others just make me feel good about being a New Yorker.  A recent edition includes a generous act by NYPD’s 20th Precinct, entertaining music while parking, and clever ways to disguise Health Department grades.  So, try it for therapy, stress relief, or to assure yourself that there still is a good side to people – just don’t laugh or cry too loudly:  http://www.nytimes.com/2011/06/20/nyregion/long-arm-of-the-law-and-other-nytimescom-reader-stories.html?ref=metropolitandiary.

And check out the new Samsung Galaxy Tab 10.1!  http://t.co/kza29mJ.

Feel free to leave a comment, and please come back often – I write and post every day!  And if you like what I have to say and how I say it, you’ll probably enjoy my novels as well.  They’re listed below, and you can read more about them on my improved website, designed and built by my son Don, http://www.randolphmase.com.  On my site, you’ll also find excerpts of my books that you can read – please check it out!  

And to view updated blogs in real-time, go to http://refzip.com or http://kadency.com – they’re both great sites! 

RandolphMase, Fiction Writer



My Novels:

Death on Broadway

Death Beneath the Streets

Death in Central Park

Death in The Cloisters (under construction)

Nathan Hale


2 Responses to “Everyday Life in New York City”

  1. trudance Says:

    nice post

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