Thanks to Kadency, and Special Thanks to My Readers

       Many of you are probably avid blog readers, and I know how difficult it is at times to locate a blog that will interest you.  I found another resource for you at (this used to be Blogiche), a site that provides real-time views of recently updated blogs, and directs traffic to those blogs.  It cycles through views of the blogs every 10 seconds or so, but you can view the blogroll and click on a blog’s name to visit it.  It’s a great timesaver, and a great way to keep up with updated blogs.  To those of you who have visited through a referral from (I’ve had more than 7,000 referrals in a single week), welcome, and I hope you continue to visit!

       Most of all, I extend my thanks to you, my readers, for continuing to return to my blog, for which I’ve recorded almost two million views in the past two years, and I’ve had a single day with more than 20,000 views!  And thanks very much for coming back!

Feel free to leave a comment, and please come back often – I write and post every day!  And if you like what I have to say and how I say it, you’ll probably enjoy my novels as well.  They’re listed below, and you can read more about them on my improved website, designed and built by my son Don,  On my site, you’ll also find excerpts of my books that you can read – please check it out! 

RandolphMase, Fiction Writer 

My Novels:

Death on Broadway

Death Beneath the Streets

Death in Central Park

Death in The Cloisters (under construction)

Nathan Hale


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